This hello world note spawn from Jimmy’s internal training on software development basic.

Before 2012, before AlexNet, training of neural networks is very often limited by hardware (e.g. number of compute cores, memory, etc). Now (in 2023), dedicated hardware is becoming common norm (GPU’s) and even can be purchase easily.

However, past a certain point of model complexity (bigger parameter or bigger data), the limit arise again. Then we have to turn to the choosing of floating-point format , which can have a significant impact on your model training times and even performance.


Floating Point Precision is a representation of a real numbers through binary format. To communicate numbers to our computers, values must be translated to binary 1s and 0s, in which the order and sequence of digits matter.

Floating-Point in Deep Learning

The most common Floating Point Precision formats are Half Precision FP16, Single Precision FP32 and Double Precision FP64, each with their own advantages, disadvantages, and usefulness in specific applications.

Let’s take FP32 as an example. It uses 32 bits to store a floating-point number, consisting of a sign bit, an 8-bit exponent, and a 23-bit significand (also known as the mantissa). Each FP32 number is a sequence of 32 bits, $b_{31} b_{30} … b_{0}$. Altogether, this sequence represents the real number

\[(-1)^{b_{31}} \cdot 2^{(b_{30} b_{29} ... b_{23}) - 127} \cdot (1.b_{22} b_{21} ... b_{0})_2\]

Here, $b_{31}$ (the sign bit) determines the sign of the represented value.

$b_{30}$ through $b_{23}$ determine the magnitude or scale of the represented value (notice that a change in any of these bits drastically changes the size of the represented value). These bits are called the exponent or scale bits.

Finally, $b_{22}$ through $b_{0}$ determine the precise value of the represented value. These bits are called the mantissa or precision bits.

Obviously, the more bits you have, the more you can do. Here’s how the three formats break down:

  Sign Bits Exponent (Scale) Bits Mantissa (Precision) Bits
FP16 1 5 10
FP32 1 8 23
FP64 1 11 53

FP32 and FP64 are widely supported by both software (C/C++, PyTorch, TensorFlow) and hardware (x86 CPUs and most NVIDIA/AMD GPUs).

FP16, on the other hand, is not as widely supported in software. However, since deep learning is trending towards favoring FP16 over FP32, it has found support in the main deep learning frameworks (e.g. tf.float16 and torch.float16). In terms of hardware, FP16 is not supported in x86 CPUs as a distinct type (recent 3rd Gen Intel® Xeon® (Cooper Lake) support the bfloat16 format), but is well-supported on modern GPUs.

Advice for Practitioners

Please consider lower floating point when, memory GPU is full or training time takes longer time!